Monday, November 22, 2010

Pre-Thanksgiving Weigh In

I just weighed and the scale said: 236.8. Let's see if I can manage to get through Thanksgiving at the same weight or maybe even slightly less!

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Well, I'm not making any progress yet. I always seems so come up with tons of excuses for why I can't do this or why I eat that and I've just got to stop. I've been spending a lot of time praying for will power and self control, those are the things I'm lacking that I need in order to make weight loss work. I weighed 237.4 this morning.

Friday, October 29, 2010

First Weigh In

Here it is, the ugly amount that the scale has been showing me: 237.2
 Here I am in all my fat glory! Don't you just love that massive gut hanging out there?!

I thought I would do a little run down of where I've been in the past and set some smaller goals for myself to achieve.

My first goal is to get back down to 223, I had dropped baby weight after Isabel was born and that's what I was down to, but I gained it back. I weighed 246 when I delivered Isabel.
Before we left for the hospital to have Isabel
 Isabel was about 3 weeks old in this picture and I felt pretty good. I think I was close to 223 at this point.
My second goal will be 207, which is what I weighed when I got pregnant with Isabel and that's pretty much what I was when I got pregnant with Alexis too.
Christmas 2008, I was actually got pregnant with Isabel on Christmas Eve, so this was when I would have been around 207

Next goal is 186, that's how much I weighed when Ross and I got married.
 Here's me at 186. I was pretty happy at this weight, but would have liked to have been smaller.

Final goal and biggest challenge is 155, that's not my smallest, but I was very comfortable at that weight. That's about what I was when Ross and I started dating almost 10 years ago. I think my smallest ever was 145 and if I can get to that, I would be thrilled!
This was my 18th birthday and the smallest I've ever been. I hope to get close to that again someday.

A Beginning

I'm hoping that doing a blog journal of my weight, daily food intake and exercise will help inspire me and motivate me to get on track with my eating and really start losing some serious weight. More to come soon...