Monday, March 4, 2013

Where I'm At

I've kind of slacked off on keeping you updated, sorry for that. We've been working a little overtime at work, not used to that at this time of year, it has me a little worn out to be quite honest.

I have one more week of no sugar and starch left. I've done a pretty good job of maintaining my weight around 173 and 172, I even had a day down to 171. Friday night at work, we were having pizza, I had requested a thin crust and only ate two pieces at first break and then had a third slice at second break. My weight was still 173 on Saturday morning, same as it had been on Friday.

Saturday was a different story, I was exhausted from the week and Isabel and Alexis and Ross were all trying to get over something they've had from the week. I ate more pizza, ramen noodles and I've been pigging out on peanut butter. You would think peanut butter would be fine, and it is if I'm eating the all natural one. The Jif we've been using for years has sugar in it and I just haven't been able to resist a smooth full or two of it. It's so much smoother and creamier than the all natural kind I've been getting for myself. Also, chowed down on some wheat thins before bedtime. An overall, horrible day, and the scale told me so Sunday morning. 176.2. Anytime you see a gain of 2lbs or more from your final weight, you are supposed to have a steak day. That means you can have as much herbal tea and coffee throughout the day, but eat no food until supper and you eat the biggest steak you possibly can along with either a serving of tomatoes or an apple. I did my steak day yesterday and weighed 170.8 this morning!

Back last Summer, after we had finished our first round, I tried one of the It Works Body Wraps. Ross isn't a huge fan of them, but I don't see anything wrong with them. I'm wanting to get some more of them and try and tone up the "baby" area of my belly. It's very stretched out and loose and rather gross looking to be quite truthful. Have any of you had any experience with them and what do you think of them?

I'm still doing my 5k training as well. I finished up week 3 yesterday and managed to do okay with it. There were 3 minute intervals of running and at first I thought I couldn't make it that long, but I pushed myself and made it. Tomorrow will start week 4 and I have to do some 5 minute runs. Here's to hoping my determination to do this will push my legs to go for that long. Ross is one week ahead of me on the training and the 5 minute runs were pretty hard on him, but by the end of the week he was doing better with it. He started doing more of his training on the treadmill, because the hills in the subdivision were getting him at all the wrong times.

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