Sunday, January 27, 2013

Weekends Are The Toughest

I did not exercise yesterday, I had a lazy day. Last night we went to some friends house and played games. I stayed strong at first, then caved and had a few bites of some of the yummy food they were having. It didn't hurt me too much, I weighed 182.2 this morning.

I did exercise today, I did day 2 for my 5K training, I'm not sure I'm cut out to be a runner, but I do enjoy walking, so that's something. I'll keep plugging at it and see if I can make it through the 8 weeks and actually run for 30 minutes by the time I'm done.

I did get a nice compliment from Ross yesterday. I asked him to put some lotion on my back after my shower. He noticed that it's no longer a straight line from my shoulders down to my booty, but that there is a nice curve in and then back out. I actually have a waist again! YAY!! Looking forward to another good week, with more pounds going bye bye and a lot of exercise too.

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