Sunday, August 4, 2013

Winding It Up...And Some FAT Before Pictures

I'm getting to the end of my third round of hCG, I thought I would share a few pictures from 2011 with you so that you can see the difference since I started losing weight. I determined that these were some of my heaviest times. The heaviest I ever got was 237. Here's proof!
 Christmas 2010
 April 2011
 June 2011
 September 2011
 Specifically took these pictures in November 2011 because I was disgusted with myself from the two years prior of being fat and I was determined to lose weight. It took me another 7 months after this to really start losing, but I'm so glad that I finally did.

I'll have another post, probably next week with some after pictures.

Friday, August 2, 2013


I am down to 165.6 this morning. 5.6 more pounds to go to reach my goal of 160. I think I can do it! 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Before Picture

This is my "before" round 3 picture, it was actually a few days into it, but close enough. I really don't know what kind of results I'll see this time. I do know this, Ross told me tonight that I felt "tiny"! I don't think I've ever been called tiny in my life!! :)

Monday, July 22, 2013


I'm starting into my third week of the diet today, up until yesterday I had been doing great. No hunger pains, completely satisfied with my food. For some reason, I was super hungry for something bad yesterday. I had pizza for supper, pizza has been both Ross and I's weakness every time we have done the diet. It tasted yummy at the time, made me feel awful later on though, plus I gained 3lbs. Oh well, I'm back on track today, determined to reach my goal. 

Sunday morning I weighed, 170, this morning I was back up to 173. Hopefully I'll get rid of those three pounds in the next day or two and get back to getting down to 160. I have until August 9th to reach my goal, I think it's achievable to get to 160, possibly even 155. 

I'm anxious to try on my bridesmaid dress again soon and see if it will zip now!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Here We Go...Round 3 Begins

I'm on day 3 of my third round of hCG. I started at 182, 6 pounds heavy than when I finished round 2, not too bad. The first two days are loading days and I gained 4 pounds. This is my third day for 500 calories and this morning I was at 179. My goal is to get to 160 minimum, 155 if I can. I'll post my progress every week or so and of course, I'm sure I'll share after pictures when I'm done. My best friend is getting married in October and I purposely ordered a dress that was a little too small so I would have the incentive to get some more weight off. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013


It's been awhile since I've posted on here. Thought it might be time for a quick update.

I've struggled quite a bit with keeping my weight in check, but I'm still not doing horrible. I realized that I was looking at the wrong weight at the finish of the diet, so I'm actually right on track, sort of....

The final weight that you need to try and not go over is what you weigh in the last day you take the hCG. That weight was 176. I did hang out around 173 for a little while. Now, I'm hanging around 177-178, still acceptable, but I do not want to do what I did after the first time. When I finished the first round last summer, I stayed under 190 for while, then started creeping back up to 193, which was my finish weight after the first round. Then I packed on 7lbs over the holidays and started the second round at 200. At one point I had been down to 186, so I had to lose 14lbs just to get back to that. I don't want to have to make up for pounds I've already lost when I do round 3.

I'm going to really focus on not eating too many carbs or sugars on a daily basis, only have that type of stuff occasionally. I also have let myself get into the habit of eating late at night, that's thanks to the goofy shift I work and how my body functions because of it. I have to stop that, I know it's horrible for you.

I'm not doing so well with the running, I'm not sure it's really my type of exercise. I have been enjoying exercising, just not the running. I've been doing my Walk Away The Pounds DVD's pretty faithfully. I've also started doing a 30 day squat challenge. I've never done squats before, but I really want to focus on toning what I've got, so I thought that would be a place to start. I'm also going to try adding in some lunges as well, and get a few dumb bells to try and intensify the workouts.

The first day of 50 squats, I felt fine, second day I was supposed to do 55, but missed that day, had a horrible headache. I did the 55 on Friday, then 60 on Saturday. My legs are sore today! Thankfully, you do three days and then have a rest day. Tomorrow will be 80, you keep increasing each day until the end of the 30 days when you'll do 250! We'll see what kind of results I get.

This is where I'm at for now, learning self control over my food issues, building good exercise habits and trying to take care of this body I've been given. It's a constant struggle, but I will prevail! I plan to do one more round of hCG, probably in July. I would like to get to somewhere between 155-160lbs.