Sunday, August 4, 2013

Winding It Up...And Some FAT Before Pictures

I'm getting to the end of my third round of hCG, I thought I would share a few pictures from 2011 with you so that you can see the difference since I started losing weight. I determined that these were some of my heaviest times. The heaviest I ever got was 237. Here's proof!
 Christmas 2010
 April 2011
 June 2011
 September 2011
 Specifically took these pictures in November 2011 because I was disgusted with myself from the two years prior of being fat and I was determined to lose weight. It took me another 7 months after this to really start losing, but I'm so glad that I finally did.

I'll have another post, probably next week with some after pictures.

Friday, August 2, 2013


I am down to 165.6 this morning. 5.6 more pounds to go to reach my goal of 160. I think I can do it! 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Before Picture

This is my "before" round 3 picture, it was actually a few days into it, but close enough. I really don't know what kind of results I'll see this time. I do know this, Ross told me tonight that I felt "tiny"! I don't think I've ever been called tiny in my life!! :)

Monday, July 22, 2013


I'm starting into my third week of the diet today, up until yesterday I had been doing great. No hunger pains, completely satisfied with my food. For some reason, I was super hungry for something bad yesterday. I had pizza for supper, pizza has been both Ross and I's weakness every time we have done the diet. It tasted yummy at the time, made me feel awful later on though, plus I gained 3lbs. Oh well, I'm back on track today, determined to reach my goal. 

Sunday morning I weighed, 170, this morning I was back up to 173. Hopefully I'll get rid of those three pounds in the next day or two and get back to getting down to 160. I have until August 9th to reach my goal, I think it's achievable to get to 160, possibly even 155. 

I'm anxious to try on my bridesmaid dress again soon and see if it will zip now!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Here We Go...Round 3 Begins

I'm on day 3 of my third round of hCG. I started at 182, 6 pounds heavy than when I finished round 2, not too bad. The first two days are loading days and I gained 4 pounds. This is my third day for 500 calories and this morning I was at 179. My goal is to get to 160 minimum, 155 if I can. I'll post my progress every week or so and of course, I'm sure I'll share after pictures when I'm done. My best friend is getting married in October and I purposely ordered a dress that was a little too small so I would have the incentive to get some more weight off. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013


It's been awhile since I've posted on here. Thought it might be time for a quick update.

I've struggled quite a bit with keeping my weight in check, but I'm still not doing horrible. I realized that I was looking at the wrong weight at the finish of the diet, so I'm actually right on track, sort of....

The final weight that you need to try and not go over is what you weigh in the last day you take the hCG. That weight was 176. I did hang out around 173 for a little while. Now, I'm hanging around 177-178, still acceptable, but I do not want to do what I did after the first time. When I finished the first round last summer, I stayed under 190 for while, then started creeping back up to 193, which was my finish weight after the first round. Then I packed on 7lbs over the holidays and started the second round at 200. At one point I had been down to 186, so I had to lose 14lbs just to get back to that. I don't want to have to make up for pounds I've already lost when I do round 3.

I'm going to really focus on not eating too many carbs or sugars on a daily basis, only have that type of stuff occasionally. I also have let myself get into the habit of eating late at night, that's thanks to the goofy shift I work and how my body functions because of it. I have to stop that, I know it's horrible for you.

I'm not doing so well with the running, I'm not sure it's really my type of exercise. I have been enjoying exercising, just not the running. I've been doing my Walk Away The Pounds DVD's pretty faithfully. I've also started doing a 30 day squat challenge. I've never done squats before, but I really want to focus on toning what I've got, so I thought that would be a place to start. I'm also going to try adding in some lunges as well, and get a few dumb bells to try and intensify the workouts.

The first day of 50 squats, I felt fine, second day I was supposed to do 55, but missed that day, had a horrible headache. I did the 55 on Friday, then 60 on Saturday. My legs are sore today! Thankfully, you do three days and then have a rest day. Tomorrow will be 80, you keep increasing each day until the end of the 30 days when you'll do 250! We'll see what kind of results I get.

This is where I'm at for now, learning self control over my food issues, building good exercise habits and trying to take care of this body I've been given. It's a constant struggle, but I will prevail! I plan to do one more round of hCG, probably in July. I would like to get to somewhere between 155-160lbs.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Where I'm At

I've kind of slacked off on keeping you updated, sorry for that. We've been working a little overtime at work, not used to that at this time of year, it has me a little worn out to be quite honest.

I have one more week of no sugar and starch left. I've done a pretty good job of maintaining my weight around 173 and 172, I even had a day down to 171. Friday night at work, we were having pizza, I had requested a thin crust and only ate two pieces at first break and then had a third slice at second break. My weight was still 173 on Saturday morning, same as it had been on Friday.

Saturday was a different story, I was exhausted from the week and Isabel and Alexis and Ross were all trying to get over something they've had from the week. I ate more pizza, ramen noodles and I've been pigging out on peanut butter. You would think peanut butter would be fine, and it is if I'm eating the all natural one. The Jif we've been using for years has sugar in it and I just haven't been able to resist a smooth full or two of it. It's so much smoother and creamier than the all natural kind I've been getting for myself. Also, chowed down on some wheat thins before bedtime. An overall, horrible day, and the scale told me so Sunday morning. 176.2. Anytime you see a gain of 2lbs or more from your final weight, you are supposed to have a steak day. That means you can have as much herbal tea and coffee throughout the day, but eat no food until supper and you eat the biggest steak you possibly can along with either a serving of tomatoes or an apple. I did my steak day yesterday and weighed 170.8 this morning!

Back last Summer, after we had finished our first round, I tried one of the It Works Body Wraps. Ross isn't a huge fan of them, but I don't see anything wrong with them. I'm wanting to get some more of them and try and tone up the "baby" area of my belly. It's very stretched out and loose and rather gross looking to be quite truthful. Have any of you had any experience with them and what do you think of them?

I'm still doing my 5k training as well. I finished up week 3 yesterday and managed to do okay with it. There were 3 minute intervals of running and at first I thought I couldn't make it that long, but I pushed myself and made it. Tomorrow will start week 4 and I have to do some 5 minute runs. Here's to hoping my determination to do this will push my legs to go for that long. Ross is one week ahead of me on the training and the 5 minute runs were pretty hard on him, but by the end of the week he was doing better with it. He started doing more of his training on the treadmill, because the hills in the subdivision were getting him at all the wrong times.

Sunday, February 17, 2013


I'm having doubts about this whole running thing. I had done two weeks of the couch to 5k training on the Treadclimber, but it only went 4mph. I started the training from the beginning when we got a regular treadmill. I'm doing the walks at 3.5 and the runs at 5mph. I didn't have any problem doing the intervals in weeks ones training. I just finished the first day of week two and I thought the extra 30 seconds of running was going to kill me. I may be walking the 5k, we'll see.

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Here are a few pictures from earlier tonight. I feel very proud of myself when I see how far I've come. I'm still not where I want to be, I'd like to go down another 15-20lbs. I know most of you that read this blog have seen the pictures on Facebook already, but I wanted to share them here too.


Today I weighed 173.4, I'm getting closer to my goal of 170. Today is my last day for 500 calories and tomorrow begins the 21 days of eating no sugar and starch, but not limited on calories.

I took my "after" measurements today, I lost 21 overall inches this time, 40 total from the first and second round. I took 4.5 off my waist, 4.5 off my hips, and 4 off my chest.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I've been struggling with my diet ever since Friday. I've gone off the plan several times and eaten things I shouldn't have, and the scale is showing it. I gained two pounds over the weekend. :(

Today (Wednesday) makes day 43. I've only got to make it 5 more days on 500 calories. I'm trying so hard to make it, I really want to see a few more pounds go. Tuesday morning I weighed 177. I highly doubt I make my goal of 170 by the end of hCG, but I lost 5 additional pounds the first time around when I was on the 21 day phase that follows the hCG. You can eat anything you want, just no starches or sugars for the 21 days. That opens up so many more food choices. I can't wait to have some eggs and bacon!

I'm tickled pink that we were able to get rid of our Treadclimber. We did a swap with a friend. She wanted the Treadclimber and in exchange, we got a treadmill, stationary bike and Total Gym. I started my 5K training from the beginning since the Treadclimber only went up to 4pmh. I'm a little sore, but I'm doing some type of exercise every day. On the days I'm not doing the training, I either walk on the treadmill or put in one of my Walk Away the Pounds DVD's.

I am excited to take my measurements in a few days. I can tell I've really lost some inches this time around, and Ross agrees!

I plan to do one more 21 day round of hCG this Summer, probably starting after the 4th of July. I can't believe how good it feels to be smaller and know that I'm living a healthier lifestyle. I think food will always be a constant struggle for me, I was just telling Ross last night that I felt like there was a huge tug of war going on inside me, my desire to be skinny and healthy and my love for all foods fattening and unhealthy. For a few days, the food won, today, I'm winning!

I've come so far from where I used to be and I have no desire to go back there. I think that will help keep me motivated. Plus, buying a new wardrobe is not cheap and I intend to get rid of anything I have that is too big, so it won't be as easy to just slip back into the "fat" clothes. I'm so excited to get the new jeans and bras I ordered over the weekend! I'm trying my first pair of Silver jeans, I've heard lots of good things about them.

I'll post my final weight and inches lost in a few days.

Thursday, February 7, 2013


I really thought that going back to work would boost my loss, but for some reason it had the opposite affect. I was 177.2 on Tuesday morning, went up to 177.6. I'm wondering if it's because of extra water weight? I haven't gone off my food plan at all this week. I drink a lot of water when I'm home, but drink even more at work. Plus my legs swell a lot at work, so I'm chocking it up to extra water weight. I am back down to 177.2 this morning, so hopefully tomorrow I'll show a loss again. I hope so, or I may not make my goal of 170 by the end.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Back To Work

My weight loss has been slow over the past few days. Only lost .4 for three days in a row, but finally lost .8 yesterday. I'm down to 177.2.

I go back to work tonight, hoping I can keep my energy levels up and still have the will power to exercise every day. I got 2 miles in today on the Treadclimber.

Ross and I walked the subdivision on Sunday, 2.7 miles and I'm still sore There are several good hills. I can feel a difference from just walking the Treadclimber compared to walking the road. We will try and do that every weekend.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Slow and Steady

Lost less than a pound yesterday, but it's still a loss. Weighed in at 178.6 this morning. Got a good workout in on the Treadclimber today. Feeling better every day, enjoying my smaller figure and so is Ross! ;)

Friday, February 1, 2013

Goodbye 180's

Hello 170's! I weighed 179 this morning.

At the recommendation of a friend, I tried out the MyFitnessPal app. I don't really need it right now since I only eating 500 calories and I know all the portions for what I'm eating, but it will come in handy when I'm ready to maintain or still lose without doing hCG.

I'm feeling very confident today and that's a good thing heading into a weekend. We have no plans this weekend, so I shouldn't have any temptations to deal with.

Thursday, January 31, 2013


I know it's totally cheesy to take self portraits in the bathroom. But I haven't felt this good in my own skin in a long time!

It's Not A Lie

I can now honestly say, my driver's license weight is not a lie. It says 180lbs, and that's what the scale told me this morning.

I'm on day 30 of this round of hCG. I had hoped to have lost closer to 30 at this point, but with some of my bad days, I guess I'm pretty happy with the 20 I've lost so far. 15 more days to lose 10 pounds if I want to reach my goal, which means, no more cheating of any kind.

I let stress get the better of me the other night and had some bad things, it sets you back a day or two when that happens. I didn't gain, but I also didn't lose for a day or two either.

I have been faithful with the exercising and I'm proud of myself for that. I'm getting ready to head outside now and get on the TreadClimber and do another days training for the Couch to 5K.

Here's to being losers! Losers of weight that is!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Totally Stoked

I bought a pair of jeans today....size 14.....they fit beautifully!! You have no idea how stoked I am about that! It's been probably 10 years since I've been in that size. Makes it all worth while, and gives me the determination to continue on. Next up, size 12, I'm coming for you!!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Weekends Are The Toughest

I did not exercise yesterday, I had a lazy day. Last night we went to some friends house and played games. I stayed strong at first, then caved and had a few bites of some of the yummy food they were having. It didn't hurt me too much, I weighed 182.2 this morning.

I did exercise today, I did day 2 for my 5K training, I'm not sure I'm cut out to be a runner, but I do enjoy walking, so that's something. I'll keep plugging at it and see if I can make it through the 8 weeks and actually run for 30 minutes by the time I'm done.

I did get a nice compliment from Ross yesterday. I asked him to put some lotion on my back after my shower. He noticed that it's no longer a straight line from my shoulders down to my booty, but that there is a nice curve in and then back out. I actually have a waist again! YAY!! Looking forward to another good week, with more pounds going bye bye and a lot of exercise too.

Friday, January 25, 2013

On A Roll

Had another good loss yesterday, down to 181.8! I woke up this morning with a pounding headache. You aren't supposed to take any over the counter medication when you're doing hCG. I'm not sure if the headache was from my glasses being too tight behind my ears or my monthly cycle. I'm going to get my glasses adjusted on Monday. Anyway, it started to get better mid afternoon, but then came back with a vengeance. I laid down for a few hours, still didn't help. I finally decided to take some ibuprofen and shortly after I was much better. Hopefully it won't affect my weight loss for tomorrow.

I'm proud to say that I've now exercised 4 days in a row! That's a record for me, it's been a long time since I've done any regular exercise.

I'm on day 24 of ? I've been undecided as to how long I was going to do this round. I'm confident that I can make it the 45 days if I really set my mind to it. If I keep on track like I have been this week, I might just get under 170 by the time I'm done. Fingers crossed!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Lucky 13

Only 13 more pounds to reach my goal for this round. This morning I weighed 183.2, my newest low! I really can't remember how many years it's been since I weighed that. For a lot of years I didn't ever weigh myself. In Dec. 2000 when Ross and I started dating, I believe I weighed around 150 or so. Over the 4 1/2 years we dated I had worked my way up to 186 when we married in 2005. My weight continued to climb over the years. Lack of exercise, stress eating and overeating the wrong foods being the leading culprits. Oh, and three pregnancies, or 2 1/3 rather.

It's still a struggle and takes making the right choices every day. I want to be healthy, fit and able to keep up with my kids. I want to be able to walk into any store and find something that fits me, not from the plus size section. On a more personal level, when Ross and I both did the diet, it made our intimate relationship better. It's amazing how much better we fit with each other when there wasn't an extra 85lbs. between us!

I am a little sore after my 5K workout yesterday, my right hip is really bothering me. I'm going to push through and see how it does over the next few weeks. I might be going to the chiropractor to see if he can do anything with it. I've never done running of any kind, I'm sure my body is going to revolt a bit at first.

Hope all of you who are watching their diets, exercising, or whatever you are trying to improve on, are having a good week. Stay strong! 2013 is our year to be fit, trim, healthy and happier!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Mid Week Update

After having a HORRIBLE weekend on my diet, I'm back on track now. I didn't gain any this weekend, just didn't lose either. This morning I was at 184, 16.8 pounds down since the beginning of this round.

I'm also pleased to say that I've begun exercising as well. Yesterday, the girls and I did about 40 minutes of Just Dance on the Wii. Today, I did the first day of a Couch 2 5K app. I did 30 minutes on the Treadclimber, 5 minute walking warm up, 20 minutes of 60 second intervals of jogging with 90 seconds of walking, then a 5 minute cool down of walking. For not being on the Treadclimber in a very long time, I'm proud of myself for making it all the way through. According to the Treadclimber, I burned over 300 calories. Since I'm only consuming 500 calories a day, I should hopefully see a weight loss tomorrow.

From my highest non pregnant weight (237), I'm down 53 pounds. That feels good, and it helps me to keep focused on the goal. I would like to get down to 170 before I end this round of hCG. We do have plans for a third baby to be made sometime this year, so anymore I can lose after reaching 170 would be great. My goal for my next pregnancy is to stay under 200lbs. I should hopefully be able to do that if I get to 170, but another 5-15lbs of insurance couldn't hurt before I get pregnant.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Today's Lunch

I only went down .2 yesterday, but that was similar to how I lost the first time around. A good loss one day, the next, not as much. Hopefully tomorrow will reflect another pound or two.

I am proud of the fact that I exercised yesterday. Ross was cutting down a tree in the yard and the girls wanted to watch. We bundled up and while they played, I spent about 20-25 minutes walking the yard. It felt good to be moving, even if it was freezing.

Here's a picture of what I had for lunch today, it was super yummy!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Weight Loss Stalled

For a few days my weight loss was stalled, for 4 days I bounced between 191.2 and 191.4. According to the book, it says if you plateau or have a weight fluctuation, you should have an apple day to boost your weight loss. Weight fluctuations occur more in women than men, go figure. As recommended when this happens, I had an apple day, which means, I ate only apples, up to 6 of them and only drank as much water as needed to quench my thirst. That was on Saturday. Sunday morning weight finally showed a loss, I went down to 189. I felt good, like I was back on track and ready to start taking off some serious pounds after seeing the same number for 4 days.

Monday morning comes, and I expect a loss again. I had a great day Sunday, stayed strong, had no bites of anything bad, ate only what I was supposed to and drank a ton of water and the herbal teas (which are great for flushing out your body). Scale said 189, same as the day before. I was so discouraged, but not ready to give up. After my shower, I started putting on my lotion like I always do. It occurred to me, "Check your ingredients." There are three ingredients that are found in many skincare products that you are supposed to avoid, propylene glycol, sodium laureth sulfate and mineral oil.* "Remember, the skin is the largest organ in the body. Whatever you put on your skin is absorbed into the bloodstream. When you put toxic, poisonous chemicals on your skin, they enter the bloodstream and adversely affect the organs and glands. These products also block the pores of the skin, reducing the body's ability to naturally detoxify, thus creating internal imbalances. This all leads to health problems, lower metabolism, and ultimately, obesity." So, as I'm rubbing lotion onto my first foot, I always start with my feet and work my way up, it occurs to me to check the ingredients on my gold bond lotion. I was almost positive that it was okay from when we checked everything on the first round of our diet. It was not okay, it has propylene glycol in it, darn it! So, now I know why I haven't been seeing the weight loss I expected. And I'm very proud to report, my weight this morning was 186.8.

Take a look at the labels on your skin care products. Unless you are using all natural products, I'm guessing you'll find these ingredients in them. We now get our shampoo and conditioner over the internet, it's called Desert Essence, and it smells wonderful and does a great job. We use Rain Soft bar soap, we couldn't find a body wash that didn't have the offending ingredients in it. I can't use any of my Mary Kay skin care products. The only lotion I've found is Aveeno, or the Great Value Brand of the same kind. Plus, we got some coconut lotion from the same place we get our shampoo and conditioner. The only toothpaste we found is some of the ones for sensitive teeth. I'm sure Tom's would be fine too, I think that's what my parents use. It's hard to believe that something so small as an ingredient can affect your weight loss, but with this diet using the hCG hormone and it working in your body the way that it does, it does matter.

On today's menu, for lunch, will be a burger and probably tomatoes, my apple and a serving of melba toast or grissini bread sticks. Supper is going to be cod, with asparagus, half of a grapefruit and my other serving of the bread choices. Here's to more weight loss tomorrow!

*The Weight Loss Cure by Kevin Trudeau

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Today has been a struggle to stick with the food plan.

Here's all the things I wanted to eat: (I'm hoping listing everything will help me realize that I do have to will power to get through this successfully)

Cheese Balls
Peanut Butter
A gigantic salad with tons of cheese, croutons and ranch dressing
Dark Chocolate
Banana Bread, warm with butter slathered all over it.

I managed to get through the day with only have a forkful of spaghetti when I was making plates for the girls.

I knew this round was going to be a bit harder than the first time around. Ross isn't doing it with me this time, so I'm cooking for him and the girls, lots of yummy things I can't have right now. I decided I was going to quit smoking when I started the diet as well. If I had quit any other time, I would have undoubtedly gained weight. This diet is so strict and limited on what you can eat and I've already done it once so I figured that would be the best time to get over smoking as well since I'm not allowed to go munchies wild when I have a nicotine craving. But, I also don't have the nicotine to depend on when I'm hungry, which is what I did the first time around. When I was hungry, I'd just go out and have a cigarette and then I'd be fine. I've been kinda cranky today, but I made it through.

Tomorrow is a new day, a fresh start and more pounds to lose. I'm currently at 9.6lbs down since the 4th. This mornings weight was 191.2. I'm just a few pounds away from my lowest weight after the first round, and then I'm moving on to new pounds!!

I haven't started with any exercise yet, but I'm thinking I'll get one of my Walk Away The Pounds DVD's out tomorrow. This weekend I plan to clean off the treadclimber so I can start training for the 5K.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

hCG Diet Update

 Ross and I at the beach in September when I was at my smallest, 187ish during that week.

I finished up our first round of the hCG at 193.8lbs. I lost a few more and the lowest I got down to was around 186 while we were on vacation. I maintained for several months around 188. Over the holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year) I splurged a little too much and got up to 200 again. I began my second round of hCG on January 4, 2013. I'm already back down to 192.8. My goal with this second round is to end up somewhere between 165-170lbs. I am also going to begin exercising this time around. My sister Jaimee invited us all to join her on a 5K this year. Looks like we'll be trying for the Color Run in St. Louis in April. I'm looking forward to it. I may never become a serious runner, but at least on this more laid back race, it's okay if I walk it if necessary.