Sunday, February 17, 2013


I'm having doubts about this whole running thing. I had done two weeks of the couch to 5k training on the Treadclimber, but it only went 4mph. I started the training from the beginning when we got a regular treadmill. I'm doing the walks at 3.5 and the runs at 5mph. I didn't have any problem doing the intervals in weeks ones training. I just finished the first day of week two and I thought the extra 30 seconds of running was going to kill me. I may be walking the 5k, we'll see.

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Here are a few pictures from earlier tonight. I feel very proud of myself when I see how far I've come. I'm still not where I want to be, I'd like to go down another 15-20lbs. I know most of you that read this blog have seen the pictures on Facebook already, but I wanted to share them here too.


Today I weighed 173.4, I'm getting closer to my goal of 170. Today is my last day for 500 calories and tomorrow begins the 21 days of eating no sugar and starch, but not limited on calories.

I took my "after" measurements today, I lost 21 overall inches this time, 40 total from the first and second round. I took 4.5 off my waist, 4.5 off my hips, and 4 off my chest.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I've been struggling with my diet ever since Friday. I've gone off the plan several times and eaten things I shouldn't have, and the scale is showing it. I gained two pounds over the weekend. :(

Today (Wednesday) makes day 43. I've only got to make it 5 more days on 500 calories. I'm trying so hard to make it, I really want to see a few more pounds go. Tuesday morning I weighed 177. I highly doubt I make my goal of 170 by the end of hCG, but I lost 5 additional pounds the first time around when I was on the 21 day phase that follows the hCG. You can eat anything you want, just no starches or sugars for the 21 days. That opens up so many more food choices. I can't wait to have some eggs and bacon!

I'm tickled pink that we were able to get rid of our Treadclimber. We did a swap with a friend. She wanted the Treadclimber and in exchange, we got a treadmill, stationary bike and Total Gym. I started my 5K training from the beginning since the Treadclimber only went up to 4pmh. I'm a little sore, but I'm doing some type of exercise every day. On the days I'm not doing the training, I either walk on the treadmill or put in one of my Walk Away the Pounds DVD's.

I am excited to take my measurements in a few days. I can tell I've really lost some inches this time around, and Ross agrees!

I plan to do one more 21 day round of hCG this Summer, probably starting after the 4th of July. I can't believe how good it feels to be smaller and know that I'm living a healthier lifestyle. I think food will always be a constant struggle for me, I was just telling Ross last night that I felt like there was a huge tug of war going on inside me, my desire to be skinny and healthy and my love for all foods fattening and unhealthy. For a few days, the food won, today, I'm winning!

I've come so far from where I used to be and I have no desire to go back there. I think that will help keep me motivated. Plus, buying a new wardrobe is not cheap and I intend to get rid of anything I have that is too big, so it won't be as easy to just slip back into the "fat" clothes. I'm so excited to get the new jeans and bras I ordered over the weekend! I'm trying my first pair of Silver jeans, I've heard lots of good things about them.

I'll post my final weight and inches lost in a few days.

Thursday, February 7, 2013


I really thought that going back to work would boost my loss, but for some reason it had the opposite affect. I was 177.2 on Tuesday morning, went up to 177.6. I'm wondering if it's because of extra water weight? I haven't gone off my food plan at all this week. I drink a lot of water when I'm home, but drink even more at work. Plus my legs swell a lot at work, so I'm chocking it up to extra water weight. I am back down to 177.2 this morning, so hopefully tomorrow I'll show a loss again. I hope so, or I may not make my goal of 170 by the end.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Back To Work

My weight loss has been slow over the past few days. Only lost .4 for three days in a row, but finally lost .8 yesterday. I'm down to 177.2.

I go back to work tonight, hoping I can keep my energy levels up and still have the will power to exercise every day. I got 2 miles in today on the Treadclimber.

Ross and I walked the subdivision on Sunday, 2.7 miles and I'm still sore There are several good hills. I can feel a difference from just walking the Treadclimber compared to walking the road. We will try and do that every weekend.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Slow and Steady

Lost less than a pound yesterday, but it's still a loss. Weighed in at 178.6 this morning. Got a good workout in on the Treadclimber today. Feeling better every day, enjoying my smaller figure and so is Ross! ;)

Friday, February 1, 2013

Goodbye 180's

Hello 170's! I weighed 179 this morning.

At the recommendation of a friend, I tried out the MyFitnessPal app. I don't really need it right now since I only eating 500 calories and I know all the portions for what I'm eating, but it will come in handy when I'm ready to maintain or still lose without doing hCG.

I'm feeling very confident today and that's a good thing heading into a weekend. We have no plans this weekend, so I shouldn't have any temptations to deal with.